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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Course on Corporate finance

Course on Corporate Finance by IIM Calcultta and Macmillan India Collaboration

The objective of the course is to apprise the participant of the three major aspects of finance, namely, the theories of Corporate finance, the analytical techniques and the financial markets. The course aims at helping participants to gain proficiency in applying the theories in actual practice.

Course Overview :-
  • An overview of the Finance Function and the basic concepts of Financial Analysis and Time Value of money

    Risk and Return, Cost of Capital and Capital Structure decision

    Capital Budgeting decision and Dividend Policy

    Long-term Capital Financing and Working Capital Management

    Managers/executives working in corporate finance departments of companies across different industrial sectors (graduates in any discipline)
    Executives/professionals/unemployed with graduation degree in finance or commerce having the required background knowledge and skills and who desire to understand concepts in Corporate Finance in order to broaden their knowledge base
    CA/CS and other financial consultants who desire to understand the concepts of Corporate Finance
    The important criteria even for unemployed or students undergoing Master's courses is the ability to understand the subject matter in the time frame of the course so that they could benefit from this course.